Let’s Talk Alcohol

With New Years just around the corner I’d like to touch a bit on the effects of alcohol and tips for those sips. 

Let’s dig into exactly what happens with your body when you have those spirits. 

Your body shuts down processing all other macros and focuses only on metabolizing the alcohol. This means if you go to dinner and have 2 glasses of wine, the food you consume at the table gets stored for future fuel.

1 gram of alcohol is 7 calories which adds up very quickly. 

For example:

  • Red or white wine: 5 ounces | Calories; 125, Carbohydrate: 4g

  • Light beer: 12 ounces | Calories: 100; Carbohydrate: 5g

  • Champagne: 5 ounces | Calories: 100; Carbohydrate: 1g

  • Vodka, whiskey, rum or gin: 1.5 ounces | Calories: 96; Carbohydrate: 0g

Ever noticed how after you drink a few one night, head to bed then maybe 3-5 hours later you wake up with your heart racing? Maybe feeling a bit anxious? This is that period of time where the alcohol has been metabolized but your body is still trying to counter it. 

SLEEP is the first thing you should make sure is on point when working on health and fitness. Sleep is where you recover. Sleep is where muscle is repaired. All of this is what leads to more energy the following day, which leads to better choices for your goals.

Sleep after drinking is pitiful due to that elevated  resting heart rate. 

Now you wake up feeling not rested- which can have an effect on a good training session. Chances are you turn to comfort food to feel better or since you lack energy and motivation you choose less than optimal food choices because of the extra effort required to prepare them. 

Alcohol also lowers our inhibitions. All of a sudden our well planned day with a grilled chicken salad or pork and sweet potato turns into not so favorable choices. 

Point is, alcohol can be fun and is a pretty big part of our society, especially during the holidays. You can continue to enjoy spirits here and there, but it really should be occasionally if you have health goals.

Now for some tips: 

  1. Avoid higher calorie mixed drinks

  2. Alternate between alcohol and water 

  3. Avoid salty foods while drinking which can make your more thirsty and more likely to drink more 

  4. Eat before, preferably high protein since alcohol contributes to protein breakdown 

  5. Set a limit to your alcohol consumption for example no more than 2-3 


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