Adjusting to Mom Life







Mom 〰️ Wife 〰️ Me 〰️

Hi friends, welcome!

Over the past 2 months, I have been navigating the adjustment to two kids. After some thinking I realized I am still navigating the adjustment to becoming a mom and wife. After all, I start to wonder if it will be a never ending adjustment. Three years ago I could wake up and have this perfect routine, that I truly still idolize. I loved who I was in that season of life, and I find myself comparing my days to that time to determine if the day was productive or not.

The overarching theme of what I feel I am missing, is the ability to be able to make a decision to do something and being able to just do it. In my role as wife and mom, I have to think of 100 other things before I can get in the car and go get gas. Feeling this way made me feel that I never had a productive day because I wasn’t living how I used to.

And yes, I now realize maybe that wasn’t the best way of thinking because the chapter of life I am currently in will never be like that other chapter.

So, what am I doing about it - and what can you do?

I have been waking up at 5:20 AM to be up before my family to get some time to myself. I know that doesn’t always go to plan because sometimes I have 1 or 2 children up with me so I created a plan A and plan B of what I can do at 5:20 AM to make my day feel productive.

Plan A - This is for the days that I will have my hour or so alone in the morning

  • This will be a gym workout where I can workout and really get a good lift in without having any distractions.

  • Something I have always loved is cooking, but at times with children it can get stressful. I want to take my extra time in the mornings to cook a special breakfast, or prepare a yummy dinner.

  • I thrive on planning my days, weeks, or goals and I like doing that without any distractions. I will be taking my alone time in the mornings with no children to do this since it truly makes me happy.

Plan B - This is for the days that I will have one or both of my girls with me in the morning

  • My older girl loves to do exercise with us, so I will add this to a list of things to do as self care if she wakes up early with me.

  • Though this may be hard since it’s getting dark earlier, I want to make this more of a habit when we have early mornings that feel exhausting.

  • I would love to loosen up a little and just dance and sing around. Have more fun in the mornings when they can feel so draining.

Now if you made it this far, I want to share two photos below. On the left, I was “me”, I was working out daily, practicing self-care every morning and night, and I was living in one of my favorite chapters of life. On the right, this is me being a mom and living another amazing chapter of my life. There is nothing more that I have ever wanted in life than to be a mom. And I hate to follow that with a “but”, but being a mom has been the hardest thing in my life. I no longer can just make decisions without thought, I have schedules to manage 24/7, and I have to accept that I may never have my old life back. I am on a mission to feel fulfilled in this and every other stage of life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Whether you are here to follow along or you are feeling something similar, we are in this together.




Balance of living in the past, present, and future.


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